Saturday, June 1, 2013

For Blood and Empire by Anonymous

The most dangerous serial killer has yet to be caught. She clamors to the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents, slashing bones bare, no penitence for her crimes. She is unbiased in selecting her prey—men, women, and children, to her they are all one and the same. There is a certain excellence she finds in killing. Her victims are faceless, inferior and so unlike herself, she finds them unworthy of remorse, mere pawns in her lust for power. With every life stolen, she collects another soul, and fuels her conquest of butchery. Her intentions, she says, are “pure and moral” and “only evil men are killed.” America, my lady, these are dim and vague justifications at best.  You are a country trapped in moral paradox and you have lied to yourself, your citizens, and the world. Do not act contrite. Your hollow apologies discredit you and fall on deaf ears.  Intervening in the affairs of other countries is not a peace movement. These people do not envy your “democracy” nor do they want your “freedom.” Behind your thin veil of “good intent” is an imperial mission. My sweet America what has befallen you? Though you will never divulge of this, my lady, we both know your end is nigh.  Throwing your toy soldiers around at the expense of others will not recover your world dominance. The sacrifice of men is never noble, regardless of its aim, and any detestation of and reprisal against you is beyond vindication.  Your prosperity, like your humility and principle, has been left to the past. Your gold is naught but gilded blood, worthless, taken from the frail bodies of the guiltless dead. You are an avaricious killer, America, but you have been naïve and your comeuppance is at hand.  You have forgotten who bears your burden upon their backs. We are the proletariat, exploited and weary, but not broken. This is why I have written of you, and for you, my lady--you have gravely erred. We see your terror. You are crumbling, America. And with your collapse, we will stamp out the reign of your tyranny and slaughter and overthrow the State.  I have seen the world, rotten and decayed, but as victims, born of your native soil our fight begins here. I argue anarcho-communism, not your crooked capitalism, to be the best means to obtain equality and freedom from your injustice, and to eradicate the subjugation of all of mankind. America you hag, I implore you to listen, this is an elucidation of anarchism and how it will be implemented.

America, of anarchism most know little. Our aim is not of violence and devastation, as ignorance has led men to believe, rather, anarchism is, in fact, a beautiful ideal. It is the philosophy of a new world order, of autonomy unrestricted by man-made law, where the individual can cultivate and nurture his awareness within a society also invested in his well-being. Anarchism calls for the destruction of all oppressive institutions, the restructuring of society on the basis of freedom, and the abolition of class division. Is anarchism desirable? Well, who does not seek freedom? Venerated anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, wrote of the conditions of liberty, “Human reason must be the only criterion on truth, human conscience the only basis of justice and individual and collective freedom the only source of order in society” (Bakunin). He teaches that the power to emancipate and enact universal liberty rests solely within, us, the browbeaten working men and women, who have developed a sense of mutual aid and solidarity in our struggle against despotism. Make no misconception; anarcho-communism shares the aims of true communism, but is in fact, free communism. As anarchists we believe communism would be an incomplete, less than desirable system, if not infused with the spirit of anarchism. In objection to communism, the individual gives himself up to the whole and leads no existence of his own—yet beyond doubt, through anarcho-communism the individual develops fullest in the system of ownership-in-common. My lady, how can your capitalism, a market for only the privileged, stand in comparison?

America, you have built yourself upon the philosophy of greed. Your people suffer of your cupidity-- no wealth and pride is found in a nation of the piteously poor. We are not fooled; disparity is evident in your nation. My lady, you define capitalism as a free market, yet the means of production are privately and corporately owned. Your economic market is based in exchange, not one of direct exchange, but monetary, and has split your populace into a ladder of inequitable class structure. It is through this market that the ruling masters, the bourgeois, are consummate, their opulence the carved division from the working class. Class is not merely an economic category; class is a power-relation to capitalism and the work we do for your system. For too long have the proletariat slept as slaves, blood sucked dry, mere hosts feeding the parasitic reach of your capitalism and our appointed masters. The fruits of our labor, exchanged for your whimsical dollar, are taken from us for a fraction of what we deserve. Wages enslave us to your system. We exchange ourselves for monetary value, and you have the gall to give back to us what we have reaped for you, at a severe increase of cost, at the expense of our happiness, and of our continued existence. Exchange alienates the worker. We stop fighting the ruling class, and instead compete with one another for currency. America, you should be ashamed. Capitalism cannot be reformed. Why ask for finer shackles? Capitalism cannot be overthrown and replaced with a divergent variant of capitalism. Any re-creation of the state, the institutionalized hierarchy for control of capitalism, reinforces free enterprise. Your hunger for wealth, my lady, is concerning, but your appetite for death as a means to this end is horrifying.

America, from the earliest hour of your colonization, you have misled your people to murder and to be murdered.  Your troops do not fight for freedom; they fight against the freedom of the rest of the world. Your troops do not fight to protect “democracy,” but protect a plutocracy at best. How can you revile Germany, for her genocide of 11 million Jews, when the blood of over “100 million Indians”-- your own people-- stains your hands (Native American Genocide)? America, it is said nothing is more dangerous to morality than voracity for wealth and power. What better way to make certain of your capital than to turn your populace against each other?  Without any consideration, you enslaved, butchered, and exploited your native people, those who cherished your soil and cosseted you in infancy, to ensure the rule of your new and affluent settlers. This was not a bias of race, but a bias of wealth. Were the tables turned, your favor would have been with the Indians. America, centuries later you continue your pecuniary conquest. In 2003, you set your sights on Iraq.  Without invitation, you invaded, and continue to remain there though you are no longer-- if you were ever-- needed. You have slain over 100,000 blameless Iraqi citizens in the last decade. And for what, your highness, the freedom to consume more resources per capita than any other nation on the planet?  You cannot excuse these deaths. As philosopher, Immanuel Kant, wrote, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (Kant’s Moral Philosophy).There was no “War on Terror.” America, you are the terrorist.  You have willed slaughter to be universal law and deserve to be in turn molested with terrorism. America, your conceit, arrogance, and egotism, have perverted you to blind patriotism, and until you deem worthy, not only your nation, but all of mankind, the cycle of slaughter will not end.

America, patriotism is among the greatest evils you have committed. You have built a nation saturated with the belief that they are more noble, significant, and gifted than those born in any other spot. It is patriotism that has made sightless the masses, patriotism that gifts more terrible and unnecessary armies-- bless the poor, deceived soldier who believes he is the protectors of peace--, patriotism that justifies prejudice and patriotism that perpetuates murder. My lady, from infancy, you poison the hearts, minds, and souls of your people. Are we not all of the same flesh and blood? Does not every man desire a life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Through patriotic propaganda, you continue to slander and demonize those not born of your soil. Nearly all media outlets are backed by the wealth and power of your elite classes. Government businesses and corporations seek to destroy critical thought and filter out any news that threatens the interests of government business and private entities. Advertising and reporting seeks to oppress the working class and further economic gain. Take for example, the recent bombings of the Boston Marathon. Do not mistake me, my lady, I weep for the loss of any human life, but news headlines written in lament of the incomprehensible misfortune of the loss of three American lives offends me.  Innumerable lives are lost every day worldwide. America, why then, do their silent screams go unheard? America, where is your sympathy for these misplaced souls? America, why do you rejoice in these terrible deaths? Political theorist and author, exposes your media control for the disgusting system it is. In his book, Manufacturing Consent, he says of your system, “A propaganda system will consistently portray people abused in enemy states as worthy victims… While the coverage of the worthy victim is generous with gory details and quoted expressions of outrage and demand for justice, the coverage of the unworthy victims was low-keyed, designed to keep the lid on emotions and evoking regretful and philosophical generalities on the omnipresence of violence and the inherent tragedy of human life” (Chomsky 39). America, regardless of the perpetrator of the event, the crisis of 9/11 was indubitably developed into a government agenda. Through emotional rhetoric, the media was used to manipulate your people, to incite war, and to fuel your foul militarism. You deemed the Iraqi people unworthy of respect and encouraged Americans to turn a blind eye to the genocide you would commit. To date, insufferable animosity remains not only between your people and people born of the Middle East, but between those American people born of your country, who appear Middle Eastern or are of the Muslim faith!  America, I CHALLENGE you to contest that the Iraq war has not increased our economic interests at the expense of human life! I challenge you to argue the death of Osama Bin Laden and all Iraqis should not be met with grief, not considering their supposed crimes, but because another life had to be taken. My lady, it is because your media makes unworthy victims so unlike us, and are often killed at great distance, that their deaths are easy to close our eyes to. Propaganda is naught but political mind control and along with all other oppression must end.

America, our intent is not disloyalty, but of condemnation of what you have become. Once we were children of your great womb: borne of revolution, borne of liberty, borne of equality. And, alas, now we are children of your putrid cadaver: seeking revolution, seeking liberty, seeking equality. America, there is not a definitive way to make well of your ailment, yet, for your sake, and the sake of your despairing people, we urge you to exact anarcho-communism. My lady, were you, yourself, not borne of rebellion? If you again desire liberation, as we do, you must destroy capitalism in its entirety: classes, the market, the state, money, exchange, borders, racism, and sexism. Through mutual aid, resources can be made free and available to all of your people, through solidarity there can exist the true fight for your independence. My dearest America, await with us this rapture. My dearest America, unite with us as we join the late, Emma Goldman, and sing of anarchism, “….the great, surging, living truth that is reconstructing the world, that which will usher in the Dawn” (Goldman 67). This is our sacred anthem, and if there must be war, let it be the General Strike. My lady, we will protest until our voices are hoarse and fight until insurrection. We will not cease our struggle until we are free of your capitalistic machine and forever rid of the chains of industry. America, I tell you this: we do not beg for autonomy, we demand it.

Works Cited

Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, and Sam Dolgoff. Bakunin on Anarchy;. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1972. Print.

Goldman, Emma, and Richard Drinnon. Anarchism, and Other Essays. New York: Dover Publications, 1969. Print.

Herman, Edward S., and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon, 1988. Print.

"Iraq Body Count." Iraq Body Count. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013

"Kant's Moral Philosophy." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

"Native American Genocide." The Espresso Stalinist. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

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