Recommended Links

Recommended Links

Eclosion Collective prioritizes creating solidarity networks and building connections with other like-minded people and groups as critical to enacting radical social progress.Here you will find links to sites we recommend and projects our collective supports or directly organizes with. What this means is that we find the content on these pages to be valuable, informative, and consistent with our perspective while embracing approaches beyond our own immediate objectives. We hope you find these resources advantageous and thought provoking.

Interested in collaborating with us? 
Send a short summary of your page/project proposal to: 
-A fantastic blog on urban homesteading, energy descent, and community resilience brought to you by one of our featured Eclosion writers, Andy Russell.

- Eclosion writer, Dave Tolkacz's, personal blog and poetry page. Described as "experimental poetry", be sure to check out this site and his upcoming works.

1 comment:

  1. Hey would love to link up with your website and do guest posts ... my blog is at check it out
