About Us

Tomlinson Run State Park, New Cumberland, WV - Dan Persina


About Eclosion Collective and Journal

In summer 2013, some anarchists in Montana, USA, bored to tears with college out for the season, decided to start a blog project on anarchism and radical political philosophy to pass the time until classes resumed. They sent out a plea for anarchist collaboration through social networking and the response was astonishing! Soon, an online collective of anarchists and free-thinkers was formed from Montana to across the globe.

A few years and relocations later, we are now located in the Northern Panhandle region of West Virginia, USA and maintain our Montana connections and active members worldwide. The project, now known as Eclosion, has had tremendously positive results, and in addition to hosting the blog, we are now publishing an online bimonthly journal that is available for global distribution as a PDF on our blog site.

We resolve to cultivate solidarity in spite of the long distances, provide a blogging platform to freely generate and discuss radical ideas, and feature the creative expressions of lovers of writing, art, and liberty worldwide and are also in the process of expanding the anarchist network here in the Ohio Valley.

Why Eclosion?

“Eclosion”, from the French eclore, to hatch, is a term that describes the act of an insect emerging from its pupal case. When an insect first emerges from its cocoon, it is pushed, frail and delicate, into a startling reality, with but a moment to catch its breath. Beneath the frailty, however, there is no weakness. The cycle of the insect’s life has been one of constant internal and external reorganization. Sometimes visible, sometimes not, but never without purpose. When the final metamorphosis is complete, and the insect takes that first breath as an adult, it is because the conditions were just so. When an idea is born, it happens in the same way. Ideas are in constant internal and external reorganization, strengthening until the final metamorphosis unfolds. The Eclosion Collective, alone, cannot bring anarchism to the final metamorphosis, to Eclosion, but it can offer a means to nurture, support, and progress the revolution and fight for the liberation against all that dominates free thinking and limits the fantastic potential of life.

Write for us! Submit your article or artwork to Eclosion Journal!


At Eclosion Collective we want to inspire individuals to enrich their lives and communities by embracing their creativity. Our motto is activism through the arts and it is our goal to be a platform to feature up-and-coming artists, authors, and musicians from all walks of life and give them a voice where they otherwise might not be heard. Eclosion Journal is a radical art and literature zine independently published online biannually. Issues are also available for printed distribution from the free PDF on our blog site.

We welcome original submissions to the blog and journal in, but not limited to, the tradition of anarchism, revolution, freedom of expression and individual and collective liberation. Theoretical writing, creative writing, paintings, poetry, opinion pieces, music, photography… whatever you have email it on in!  If we choose not to publish something, or are unable to publish something, we will contact you with an explanation. Blog submissions can be made at any time and are without a deadline. Journal submission deadlines are posted below. When submitting please let us know if you are interested in being published in the journal, blog, or both. Thanks!

SUBMIT TO: eclosionjournal@gmail.com


Coming soon!

If you have any additional questions or want to collaborate with our collective please email:


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