Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Social Cancers by Kodak Rome

Society is like a living, breathing organism. Literally we are merely a part of the same organism. So just like our human bodies, the body that is society is doomed to age, grow sick, at times contract cancers, and ultimately die.

It is the duty of each successive generation to clean out the old and outdated ideologies, dead gods, unjust and outdated moral codes, etc. and to toss them onto the pyre of other useless and hindering forms to be destroyed and fade into oblivion where they ultimately belong.

Unfortunately though, our society has become so sedated that we have consequently become complacent. Complacency is the first social cancer. The moment we cease to evolve and advance. The moment we become comfortable with what we know, lacking the desire to progress beyond our comfortable facade we become complacent. When we become complacent, and choose to cease progress, we begin in essence to die. As we begin to die, even more social cancers begin to set in, and we begin decaying, ever so slowly bloating and reeking of the decomposing ideas that we once represented.

Denial, or self-deceit is yet another social cancer, Whether we deceive ourselves and simply choose to deny the truth so that we may remain in our lies, or we unquestioningly accept everything that we are presented with, simply because we are instructed to do so by those in authority, even though we deep down know that we are being lied to. So long as we obey without question, we have no one to blame but ourselves for our oppression. Which brings us into our next social cancer.

Blind Conformity for the sake of acceptance, or as LaVey put it, Herd Conformity. To adhere to the standards set forth by those who wish to completely control you is to ensure a mediocre existence where even in life one shall remain in obscurity, and will indefinitely be quickly forgotten shortly after death.

Thus we arrive at the next social cancer. 'Forgetfulness of past orthodoxies.'
Even after we discern our liberation, we must not forget where we came from or what we once subscribed to.

We must not forget where we have been, who and what we are, and what a threat we are. For to do so is to invite the chains of the charlatans of the Right Hand Path to once again restrain and imprison us.

We are a very real threat to the existing order, as we are truly capable of demolishing their already crumbling and decaying foundations.

THEY are well aware of the threat that we pose, however this is not what causes them to tremble in fear. The thing that causes them to tremble with fear in our presence is the fact that WE fully realize that we are a real and tangible threat.

Thus it is imperative that we remember what it is that we are striving towards.

We must never forget where we were or where we are heading now.

We are advancing inch by painful inch towards our victory.

However, Do not be to hasty to achieve your goals, for in your haste you shall become pretentious as you attempt to become what you are not.

And this shall blind your judgment, and cloud your eye.

Thus causing you to fall into Counter-productive pride.

Our very society is built upon pretentious standards.

Our consumerist construct is geared towards insecure pretentiousness, tearing down any positive self image.

Telling you that you are 'Less than nothing' simply because you do not conform, obey, or in any manner submit to their pseudo utopic demands and expectations.

What will you do whenever all these items you required to base your self worth on are simply taken from you, confiscated from your lives?

If you bought into the Commercialized propagandist lies you simply will collapse without your crutch only to be quickly trodden underfoot by the tyrants until you are forced to submit to their will, and are stripped of the last of your dignity, pride, and sense of self worth.

They want you to be completely enslaved to their system(s), and too blind, or weak to be able to see the corruption and constant influx of new chains that they choose to put upon you, you think because the chains are not blatantly revealed that they are not there or are not a real threat.

Do you expect your television, your radio, your standard forms of social media to tell you the truth?

Do you expect your government to be honest?

If so then you are a fool.

These very beliefs are by products of Counter-productive pride.

Our Consumerist Culture is constantly in motion and on the offensive as they constantly over inflate our ego, while simultaneously attempting to also tear us down.

Thus creating a distorted reflection full of imagined flaws, which they hope we either fall in love with, or hate to such a degree that we will continuously purchase their useless waste.

It is in this manner that the powers that be are able to lead us around by the reigns and shackles we handed them to place upon us.

This however is not the greatest tragedy is that we can seize back our own control, yet we are too afraid, sedated, pampered, and all caught up in their carefully constructed lies.

Thus leading us to Solipsism.

We are conditioned from an early age to believe that everyone else is supposed to care, we are conditioned to believe that we are not strong enough to stand alone, that our own personal strength is not enough to deal with even the smallest of our problems.

This Herd-Weakness must be expiated.

The harsh truth is that the majority of people do not care about your petty problems, odds are they are dealing with their own problems, unfortunately for you the majority of humanity lives by a simple statement 'Quid Pro Quo.' Or 'Who Gains?'

So outside of close friends, and (if you have any) well trusted, and respected relatives, do not go about in the streets crying out 'Woe is me!'

For I can assure you, that under our current systems and within our social constructs, you will be met with the bitter sting of neglect and rejection, and the sudden realization that you are nothing in the eyes of your fellow man.

Besides, if you wouldn't share your deepest secrets, or fears with a stranger, if you cant trust a person, what makes you think that they even care to hear or assist you with your plight?

Odds are these people are merely waiting to plant a knife in your back and bleed you dry first chance you give them.

This is not an absolute truth, and does not mean that you should trust no one.

I am simply trying to warn you, do not expect anyone but yourself to be there to help you bare your burden.

“Whatever doesn't kill you is gonna leave a scar.”-M‡M

The above statement will be the conduit to lead us right into yet another social cancer.

'Lack of Aesthetics'

Our contemporary mainstream society has a very artificial/bland/cut and dry standard of beauty , with little or no room for flexibility.

However, despite the attempts of pop culture and the mainstream cronies attempts to generalize and commercialize the standards of beauty, one statement still rings true.

“Beauty is within the eye of the beholder.”

We all have our personal standards, definitions, and personal visions of what we would consider beautiful.
Yet, for fear of rejection, and/or ridicule, many people compromise and buy into what I would like to call the “Bargain basement Barbie doll plastique standard.”

It is within this standard that everything is measured in artificial/superficial prosthetic and plastic demonstrations of faux-beauty.

If we are to ever successfully rend these rusty padlocks, and expiate these levels of our self created Hells, we must first remove the commercialized herd influences from amongst us, in order that we may eventually rise up and SMASH into oblivion the decaying cancerous entity that is our government.

However, in order for this to be accomplished we must first remove from amongst ourselves the most infectious of all the social cancers....the root and core of all the other sicknesses and cancers.


Stupidity is the most infectious of all the social cancers, and subsequently the most dangerous.

In order to clarify what harmful stupidity is I have provided a few examples.

1. To blindly follow someone or something wih no question is Stupidity.

2.To become complacent and arrogant is to transgress upon the threshold of Stupidity.

At it's very foundation, Stupidity can be destroyed and even countered with simple common sense logic i.e. critical thinking skills.

We must limit our exposure to the commercialized/government sanctioned cancers and sedatives.

We must limit our exposure to their sedatives, to the sedated, to their self-despising slave mentality, to those who would sedate and enslave us through assimilation.

For it is these cancers that will eventually lead to the collapse of the current internal structures of our government and political systems. These Cancers are the conduits and the cause of the unrest that is coming.

“From the depths of our hate,
we defecate, upon all these lies you fabricate.
Procreate, then disassociate.
Elevating and Meditating.
Substances kicking in
Self Medicating
Open your mind Seeker.”-
M.R.M.S. © 2013



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